Monday, September 20, 2010

Level 3 What is the great e-waste recycling circus?

Write a paragraph on what you know about the great e-waste recycling circus.


Bronco said...

electronic waste was something that was not present 20 years ago, now a days electronic waste is starting to increase with every new technology created, technology has developed in the past few years for example black and white television is now in colour, mobiles now have camera’s installed in their system, and computers and television have gone flat screened. E-waste is being shipped to countries like Asia, eastern Europe and Africa, so instead of recycling and re-using our product we are exporting them overseas to make it someone else’s problem, which isn’t being ‘green’ or healthy.

sinawhite said...

Electronic waste or e-waste is a high-tech trash that includes the recycled televisions, computers, keyboards, printers, scanners, fax machines and cell phones in other words, anything digital that are no longer used. Disposing of e-waste is a global concern. Now e-waste represents the biggest and the fastest growing manufacturing waste, the black and white TV turned to colour and the basic mobile phone needed a camera. The high-tech boom has brought with it a new type of electronic waste a category that barely existed 20 years ago. About 50% of the computer is recyled but the rest is dumped. All in each computer yields like about US $6 worth of materials (Basel Action Network). As we constantly update and create new products the life of the old ones is getting shorter and shorter.

Tau Mafi said...

its mainly about the biggest and the fastest manufacturing waste such as waste from technologies like computers, televisions, cellphones and video cameras which are now upgraded and seems to get rid of the old style modeling types of computers and technologies and start using electronic devices that can be useful for people to carry around at work, school and business area. These technologies can be upgraded to give out entertainment into a whole new level like upgraded an electronic device with music, internet services, personal entertainment and all types of progaram that has been design to make things easier for people to use in public.

Unknown said...

hmmm obviously its a recycling circus? .....
haha HIGH TECH BOOM! was the only thing I could remember... Oh it is basically about how new technology are being upgraded every day, and that the old tecnology are not being recycled properly for eg a old computer which is been dumped somewhere else and been replaced by a new one..
Now in the old computer only 50% gets recycled while the other 50% are ended up at landfills, or peoples home rubbish.
In the south east countries like China children earn thier livelihoods by scavenging metals, glass, and plastic from the old computers, and that they are been paid 6$ us dollars...
anyways the great e-waste recycling circus is endless..

Unknown said...

It's 'high tech boom' - in other words it happens worldwide. E-waste has been around for 20 years atleast and is also been said to be the biggest and fastest type of waste. Now a days, the technology have been upgraded:from brick hand held cellphones to small slide-up mobiles with a camera & music player; from black & white tv's to big flat screens with HD colour; and not only that but also old big box computers that you could hardly print out a decent document to small flat screen with a hardrive that could hold as much stuff in there than any old 1970's computer lol. In th US , children are being paid $6 to take a computer apart with their bare-hands - there barehands people - poor children - doing work of an adult.

An average computer contains:
* 23% plastic, 32% ferrous metals, 18% non-ferrus metals
- lead
- cadmium
- antimony
- beryllium
- chromium
- mercury
* 12% electronic boards
- gold
- palladium
- silver
- platinum
* 15% glass.

These are all poisonous materials and in the real world , it shouldn't be handled by children !!

Unknown said...

The great E-Waste recyling circus emphsize the world of Technology and How technology is taking over the world. High Tech Boom is the new type of waste (Electronic Waste) a category that barely existed 20 years ago. E-Waste represents the biggest and fastes growing waste. From black and white television to colour and 3D the basic mobile phone needed a camera,personal organizer and music. computer is another type of high tech boom, from big screen to flat screen with the latest software. However 50% of computer is recycled and the rest is dumped. on average a computer is 23% plastic, 32%ferrous metals,18% non-ferrous mteals and 12% eletronic boards(gold, palladium, and silver). As we continually updates and invent new product the life of the old ones is getting shorter and shorter.