Monday, September 6, 2010

Level 3 - Global disposal of E-waste

Which of these 4 places: Switzerland, New Zealand, China and New York, has the best waste management disposal programme.  Justify your answer with examples.


Unknown said...

From the information that was given and presented by a group of geography students it is said that Switzerland has the best waste mangement disposal out of all four places that are mentioned such as China, New Zealand, New York . There are 500 authorised E-waste collection points through out Switzerland where ellectrons can be returned and free of charge. Also in Switzerland consumers pay a recycling fee in advanced when buying a new electronic product.

'Jordyy said...

Well i believe that Switzerland holds the most organised waste disposal programme out of the four countries, why you ask? well if you look into Swwizterlands country of well magnaged waste system, they produce the uses of recycling, resource recovery and reuse of materials that manange not only the e-waste system, but also protects and minimizes impacts on the environment and our society.

not only is Switzerland a wealthy country, but the goverment uses money to be spent on reseach and development of new waste disposal technologies that can provide more for their environment and have least impact on human health.

i trust Swizterland to have the best waste management disposal programme overall, with being ranked as the number one 'eco friendly coutriy' in the world... im sure that it was ranked number one for a reason.

Cedes said...

I would have to say that Swizzy has the ebst waste management disposal programme. Looking at how they operate their waste management disposal programme is efficient and benefits the country well. For example, they advertise confidently that they have a safe, sophisticated and well organised disposal system for thier electronic goods. The use of recycling, resource recovery and reuse of materials are involved. Swizzy also advertise the fact that the system minimises any threats involving the environment. the well-being of human beings and their labour.

Another justified reason why i think Swizzy has the best waste management disposal programme is because of the people themselves. The people of Swizzy also play a huge part in making it a safer enviromental recycling atmosphere. This is because consumers pay a recycling fee in advance, when they buy an electronic product. So even before hand they know exactly what the outcome will be when they purchace any type of electronic good. If thats not being a good samaritan then i dont know what is.

Overall Swizzy seems to have it on lock with the whole recycling buzz. they know how to run their businesses.

THE END!!! :)

Unknown said...

These are the top ten eco friendly countires in the world, from 2010.

1 – Switzerland
2 – Norway
3 – Sweden
4 – Finland
5 – Costa Rica
6 – Austria
7 – New Zealand
8 – Latvia
9 – Colombia
10 – France

as you can see switzerland is the most eco-friendly country,with an awsome waste management plan, that also involves the community

Switzerland is highly active on the recycling and anti-littering front and the country has one of the highest recycling rates in the world with a mean of 76% of all currently recyclable items being recycled.[1][2] This has narrowly surpassed the Swiss government's 75% target, meaning that for the time being there will be no introduction of a recycling tax on glass bottles and jars, nor on clothes and textiles, plastic bottles, home-use batteries, light bulbs or paperware and card.

i think the world should follow what swizerland is doing! maybe instead of diffrent countries competing for the most eco friendly country, we cn maybe be an eco friendly WORLD!

Tipo Paulo said...

Just a recap on my previous comment. Why Switzerland has the best waste management disposal programme is obvious in liscenced sorting and dismantling planst put in place which dismantles and recovers electronic goods. They also have strict emissions in landfills, their main influence in the recycling system is based upon economic conditions.

Unknown said...

According to the information that has been presented by a group of students, representing 4 different countries which are China, New york, New zealand and Switzerland in regurading of Global disposal of Waste.I discover that the informatin that has been provided for Switzerland have the best waste management disposal programme. Switzerland group mentinoed that there are 500
authorized E-waste collection, where electronics can be returned free of charge. However 3% of the material end up in the landfills whcih have very strict emmision controls. Peoplea are very well educated and are aware of whats happening, so they expect the government to have strategies and law to help protect the Environment.

Cedes said...


'Jordyy said...


BRONCO said...

I believe that Switzerland has the best waste management disposal programmed, out of china New York New Zealand and itself, because it states in the article that Switzerland has a ‘safe, sophisticated and well organized disposal system for electronic goods which involves recycling, resource recovery and reuse of materials’. The large system that is in charge of Switzerland’s waste disposal is a very big industry with many employees; they aim to let the electronic waste have little impact on the environment, health of their people and their labour.
When people purchase any kind of electronic product they also pay a recycling fee, electronic goods are snatched up by retailers to sell to a recycling system. In Switzerland there are 500 authorized e-waste collection points throughout Switzerland where electronic goods of any type can be returned free of charge. They also have 15 licensed sorting and dismantling plants, this is the process where electronic goods are dismantled and sheered manually and mechanically sorted. The materials recovered are refined and sold as secondary raw material. Materials such as aluminums, copper, gold, silver and reusable plastics are reused.

BRONCO said...

bronco is vicky lol

Tipo Paulo said...

Switzerland has the best waste management disposal programme because they are well develop and better managed. Due to this reason they have a big recycling system industry which better manages electronic goods reflecting upon recycling, recource recovery and reuse materials. Also they have many employees put in place, directed to many areas to ensure the e-waste process is working...

Unknown said...

I believe that switzerland has the best waste management disposal system out of the four countries. They have a safe, sophisticated and well organised disposal system which involves recycling, resource recovery and resue of other materials. In Switzerland there are fifteen licenced sorting and dismatling plants where electronic waste is pulled apart and sorted, using the materials that can be reused. Materials such as gold, copper, gold and silver and plastics can be reused. The people of Switzerland have to pay a small recycling fee when they purchase a new electronic product so that t can be picked up and sent to a recycling plant. Also because Switzerland is very wealthy, they can pay people to research better ways of disposing their e-waste.


Unknown said...

Obiviously switzerland has the best way of handling their electronic waste! Switzerland has a totally different e-waste disposal system compared to the other 3 countries. In Switzerland, they have a safe and a well organised disposal system for electronics, which invovles recycling, resource recovery and reuse of materials For eg, consumers in Switzerland pay a recycling fee advance, when they buy an electronic product. In Switzerland they have 500 authorised e-waste collections points wher electronic goods of any type can be returned free of charge....
Overall Switzerland is a developed country, which can afford to provide a safe and sophisticated electronic good disposal system, and that people in Switzerland are more well educated than CHINA, when getting rid of e-waste!

sinawhite said...

The Waste disposal is a huge problem worldwide. Switzerland has the best waste management diposal programme. They have safe, sophisticated and well organised diposal system for electronic goods which involves the recycling and reuse of materials. They also pay a recycling fee in advance when they buy an electronic product. And people are well educated and aware of environmental protection issues. And they also spent money on continuing research and development of new waste disposal technologies. Switzerland is a wealthy country and can afford to provide a safe and electronic goods disposal system.

Unknown said...

Switzerland is the home of Swiss cheese and
Swiss choclate "SO YUMMY"

I think that Switzerland is the cleanest country of all. Switzerland has a safe, sophisticated and well organised disposal system for e-waste which involves recycling , resource recovery and reuse of material.

In Switzerland people pay a recycling fee when they buy an electronic product.Unlike China, New Zealnad and New york. New York has no landfills so they just leave the issue for another state to take care of. China for elare the worst offenders electronic waste they illegally dump rubbish anywhere they can as for New Zealand they are looking for new sites to dump rubbish this is not good.

Switzerland retailers take back e-waste goods they sell them and send them on to a recycler.Switzerland have 15 licensed sorting and dismantling plants where electronic goods are manually and mechanically sorted, dismantled, shredded into pieces and are recovered. Materials that are recycled include copper, alumminium, gold, silver and plastics. Money is spent for researchers of Switerland to come up with strategies and laws that protect the environment. This is why Switzerland is the best because they are thinking of the people of tommorow.

Unknown said...

Switzerland ranked 7th in the world on the 2005 environmental sustainability index and also first i the world to create and e-waste management system, so i could say that Switzerland has the least pollution oout of the other countries

by Saul.....

Unknown said...

For me, the best of these 4 places that have the best waste management disposal programme is Switzerland. This is because in Switzerland you are required to pay a recycling fee in advance when buying a new electronic product. This ensures that the person that is buying an electronic appliance that they themselves are helping out with the recycling and recycling research.

The worst out of the 4 would have to be China? An overcrowded country like China would definately pouring in the rubbish. Since China is one of the main electronic development country they would have more electronic waste than others.

Unknown said...

For me, the best of these 4 places that have the best waste management disposal programme is Switzerland. This is because in Switzerland you are required to pay a recycling fee in advance when buying a new electronic product. This ensures that the person that is buying an electronic appliance that they themselves are helping out with the recycling and recycling research.

The worst out of the 4 would have to be China? An overcrowded country like China would definately pouring in the rubbish. Since China is one of the main electronic development country they would have more electronic waste than others.

Eme said...
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Eme said...

Switzerland is by far the safest & advanced country for there disposal system for electronic waste. They are ranked as #1 as the most eco friendly countries in the world. Even though they pay a recycling fee (this is charged when consumers buy an electronic product) there waste management fee is well worth the cost. Switzerland has 15 justified licensed dismantling & organization plants where the electronic goods are physically & mechanically sorted, torn & dismantled it is then habituated & sold as a minor raw material or it gets disposed of at the closing disposal site. Overall Switzerland is an environmental friendly nation that cares for where there wastage is going & they try there hardest to avoid negative wastage schemes like China: / Haha. Swizzzzzzzzzzz up! 8)